Keto Skillet Pizza Recipe

Homemade Skillet Pizza Recipe

This recipe of Keto Skillet Pizza is made with just 5 ingredients and it takes a total of 15 minutes to become ready. This recipe is a good idea for keto dinner and it has only 5.9 carbs.

Ingredients To Make The Skillet Pizza

You need 2 ounces of cream cheese, 2 cups mozzarella, shredded, 2 eggs, beaten, 1 cup almond flour Pinch of salt & pepper to make the Keto Skillet Pizza.

How To Make Skillet Pizza

First, you need to Preheat your oven to 400°F then grease a cast iron skillet Mix the cream cheese and mozzarella in a bowl and microwave for 1 minute. Then Stir and heat for an additional 20 seconds until melted and blended smoothly.

Secondly, Add the beaten eggs to the almond flour and mix them well with the cheese mixture and work until a dough forms. Then you have to Push the dough into a cast iron skillet (as you would a deep pizza dish – I coat my hands with oil first so the dough doesn’t stick to it!). Poke holes to avoid air bubbles. Bake for 10-15 minutes (Bake for 15 minutes).

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